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Please Join Our Current Content Providers
Karen Scopetski
Content Submission Agreement
The Senior Living Magazine is a publication of Senior Center Communications, LLC. Its contents are written to inform and engage the local communities in which it is distributed.
We invite you to submit your photos, events, and articles ("Content") to be considered for publication in your local edition of the Senior Living Magazine.
By submitting any Content you agree to be bound by the terms of the Senior Living Magazine Content Submission Agreement set forth below:
1. You (the "Author") hereby irrevocably grant to Senior Center Communications, LLC., its affiliates, and Senior Living Magazine (collectively the “Publisher”) the unrestricted, perpetual, worldwide right to use the Content freely in whole or in part in any manner or medium now known or hereinafter devised for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without compensation. You retain your ownership rights as applicable, and you will be given appropriate credit or acknowledgment.
2. Without limitation of the foregoing, You grant Publisher the right to: a) publish the Content in the Senior Living Magazine and in derivative and ancillary forms thereof, including but not limited to, the Senior Living Magazine website and in other print, digital and online formats; b) give permission for the Content to be photocopied for free distribution for educational purposes; c) use all or any portion of the Content in the Publisher’s marketing and promotional materials in print, digital and/or online formats; and d) edit or abridge the Content at the Publisher’s discretion and to select a title and appropriate art to appear with the Content. (For example, Publisher may edit the Content for accurate usage, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and/ or space requirements.)
3. You represent and affirm: a) that you are the sole author, creator and owner of the Content or are submitting the Content with the express consent of the sole owner and have obtained all releases and permissions necessary for Publisher’s use of the Content; b) that the Content is not in the public domain; c) that the Content does not infringe any statutory or common law copyright or any other intellectual property right or other rights of any third party; d) that the Content does not invade the rights of privacy or publicity of any person or contain any matter libelous or otherwise in contravention of the rights of any person; and e) that all statements in the Content asserted as facts are true.
4. You also represent and affirm that you have full power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement.
5. You agree that your submission of the Content will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and that Publisher has no obligation to use or publish any Content which you submit.
© 2023 Senior Center Communications. All Rights Reserved. | 954-612-9886 | Site Design by Creative Pear Graphic Design LLC