© 2023 Senior Center Communications. All Rights Reserved. | 954-612-9886 | Site Design by Creative Pear Graphic Design LLC
Advertiser Frequently Asked Questions
What audience does the Center2Senior Newsletter program reach
and why is it valuable?
The Center2Seniors newsletter program reaches seniors 60+ that participate in senior center activities and others seniors that reside in the local community. The program is designed specifically to target seniors; today American’s seniors over age 65 make up 12% of our country's population, control nearly 30% of its wealth, and spend more than $700 billion annually on goods and services.
A new generation of is retiree’s is coming. These seniors are much different than previous generations. They are smarter, wealthier, internet savvy and healthier.
• Elderly people are smarter and better educated today than they were less than a generation ago.
• American seniors 60+ control 77% of the assets in America.
• Over the next five years, the number of US baby boomers who use the Internet at least once a month will grow by
more than 5 million, rising from 58.2 million in 2006 to 63.7 million in 2011.
• Health and fitness are high on the list for newly retiring baby boomers. Recent survey found that 97% say they are in good,
very good or excellent health and 45% consider themselves above average in physical fitness.
Why is the Senior Center Communications program
more engaging than other media types?
Center2Seniors newsletters provide local seniors valuable information and local interest stories. In addition, we include a monthly calendar of senior center events and menu of items served daily at the center café. Riding along with newsletter will be local and corporate sponsor’s mentions of consumer brands and businesses that fund the program and provide readers valuable information and money savings offers.
Since the Center2Seniors newsletter is distributed on behalf of the local senior center with content provided and branded by the local senior center it has an open rate of 95% - seniors open information from senior centers. In addition, the content is extremely important, relevant, and highly valuable to seniors, leading to an unprecedented degree of engagement with all the content.
Why is the program socially responsible?
In addition to the economic value, Senior Center communication serves a crucial role – to improve the quality of senior lives. Therefore Center2Seniors communications can serve as an integral part of the community support efforts of your company, providing social value while driving bottom-line business results.
How do I participate in the program?
Please contact us using the following information:
Telephone: 954-644-9651
Email: advertise@scccentral.com
Or use the link below for our contact form.
Fill out our form for more information.
If you are interested in learning more about our programs, please complete the information form. We will contact you to answer your questions and help you determine how Senior Center Communications, LLC can help you.
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© 2023 Senior Center Communications. All Rights Reserved. | 954-612-9886 | Site Design by Creative Pear Graphic Design LLC